
2023, Group exhibition, konSekvence ≡ Fragmenti možnega ekosistema, Cukrarna, Ljubljana, Slovenia


The interactive sound installation titled Δ [Delta]  uses bio-sonification to bring complex biological data closer to the human ear without looking at the binary data and trying to feel on an emotional level with sound the natural processes that are happening in living organisms. By installing various sensors on the plants and feeding signals to the multi-sensorial synthesiser OctoSens, the artist has generated a constantly changing sound composition that responds to external stimuli.

By transforming complex biological data into sound, bio-sonification provides a unique and immersive way to experience the beauty and complexity of the natural world, inspiring a deeper appreciation and understanding of the web of life that surrounds us.

Δ [Delta] by Miha Godec at Cukrarna
Δ [Delta] by Miha Godec at Cukrarna

Year: 2023

Technical and development support: David Drolc, Gregor Krpič, Jakob Grčman, Simon Turnšek and other members of the OctoSens community, mentored by Václav Peloušek

Technology: Octosens, modular synthesiser, cables, sensors

Production: Artevida, Projekt Atol Institute, Youth Centre Velenje

Supported by:
konS ≡ Platform for Contemporary Investigative Art, University of California: Systemics Lab – Media Arts and Technology, Kone Foundation Finland, Arts Promotion Center Finland, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia, European Regional Development Fund of the European Union, City of Ljubljana