Roscoff; seeing the unseen
2017, Group exhibition, Black Clinic festival, Zagreb, Hrvaška
2017, Group exhibition, Speculum artium, Trbovlje, Slovenija
2017, Group exhibition, School of arts, Gorica, Italija
2016, Group exhibition, Pixxelpoint, Gorica, Italija
Roscoff project; seeing the unseen, is a bio-art installation which uses simple tools, cheap lens from a laser light and a smartphone camera, to get a better view, understanding and awareness of an unknown but a very special delicate sea worm, who is coexisting with an algae. This fascinating little creature is actually an plantanimal. In juvenile stage worms eat the algae and creates a simbiosis. It can also regenerate its head and have a primitive eyes. Roscoff worm can teach us a lot about climate change and also about self sustainability and coexistence with nature and its importance. The project developed from a BIOBOX workshop (Roscoff worm educational kit – initiation into marine biology), mentored by Robertina Sebjanic. The project tries to encourage the viewer to view things from a new or different perspective in order to broaden our horizons.
“It’s surely our responsibility to do everything within our power to create a planet that provides a home not just for us, but for all life on Earth.”
Sir David Attenborough

Year: 2017
Technology: Microscopy camera and living organism
Production: Artevida,
Supported by:The School of Arts University of Nova Gorica